PowerMidiVerb4 is an editor/librarian/program selector/front end that makes your Alesis MidiVerb 4
even more fun and powerful. It gives you instant access
to all of your MidiVerb's programs and features, with the best interface around.
Take a look at the manual for screen shots and a guide to using PowerMidiVerb4:
- Select user and preset programs from a list sortable by program number, name, or configuration; or select from a list of recently used programs
- Easily edit program parameters; PowerMidiVerb4's sliders give you exact readouts of settings on your MidiVerb4
- Modulate your MidiVerb4's realtime parameters
- Control your MidiVerb's input and output volumes, bypass and cascade settings
- Easily store and rename User programs on your MidiVerb4
- Store single programs or all programs in files, and load them wherever you want with
an intuitive drag and drop interface
PowerMidiVerb4 uses MIDI-OX, an excellent, free Midi tool, to interface with your MidiVerb. See
Setting up PowerMidiVerb4.
PowerMidiVerb4 is distributed as shareware. It is fully functional for a 45 day period. It costs $20 US to register.
For fixes for known bugs, click here.
Jambient uses a joystick to sculpt sound in 16 channels simultaneously. The result is unlike any other computer based musical instrument - a way to create sounds live - from the DJ booth, onstage or at your workstation -
that would be difficult or impossible to create in a studio.
- Instant drag and drop loading of wave files
- Easy volume, pitch, pan, fading and cross fading controls
- Controls for manipulating groups of samples
- Mix volume, pitch, or pan using joystick (or mouse)
- Position sounds in sonic space and move around in them using joystick(or mouse)
- Set volume, pitch or pan patterns for samples
- Scripting capabilities to let you add your own controls and programs